Downloading From Qiita

Qiita provides convenient ways to access its data while keeping the data private based on the owners data permission. For example, the owner decides when the data becomes public and if the raw data is available for public download.

For an owner to make their study raw data available the owner needs to make the artifacts public and select “Allow Qiita users to download raw data files” from the main study page.


  • All Qiita downloads are zip files but the name of the file will change based on the tool you use to download them. For example if you are using wget, we recommend adding the URL in quotes and using the -O flag to save the file with a correct name; like this: wget “your-qiita-URL” -O

  • The downloaded zip file is a dump of our storage with the data you requested organized by the data type. This is, when unzipped the contents will be in folders by the type (mapping_file, BIOM, per_sample_FASTQ, processed_data, etc) and within each you will have (a) folder(s) with the artifact id(s) download; each of these folders will have the files of that artifact: biom, txt, fastq.gz, index.html, etc.

Downloading All Public Data in BIOM format

requires to be log into the system

Users can download all public studies on Qiita. To do this, users can select “Downloads” from the center of the toolbar located on the top of the screen. This will download a zip file with each study and their respective processed BIOM tables. Note that this does not download any BIOM tables after the processing steps (BIOM tables from analyses).

Download Processed Data

requires to be log into the system

Users can download unprocessed or processed data from a single study. To do this, user’s go to the “View Studies Page” by selecting “View Studies” on the “Studies” drop-down menu on the toolbar. Here, users can view their own studies as well as all of Qiita’s public studies. By clicking on the title of the study, users will be brought to the study’s “Study Information” page. By selecting the data type as well as the specific preparation information that the user wants to study, they will be brought to the “Processing Network” page. On this page, users will see the study’s data, unprocessed and/or processed. When the user selects their desired artifact, a list of “Available files” will appear below. These files can include FASTQ, FASTA, and BIOM table files that can be further processed and/or analyzed outside of Qiita.

Download Analyzed Data

requires to be log into the system

Users can download analyzed data from an analysis of a single study or from a meta-analysis of multiple studies. To do this, user’s go to the “View Analysis Page” by selecting “See Previous Analyses” on the “Analysis” drop-down menu on the tool bar. Here, users can view their own analyses as well as all of Qiita’s public analyses. By clicking on the name of the analysis, users will be brought to the analysis’ “Processing Network” page. On this page, users will see the analysis’s data, processed and analyzed. When the user selects their desired artifact, a list of “Available files” will appear below. These files can include distance matrixes, PCoA, visualization, other resulting files. These can be download from here and further analyzed outside of Qiita.

Access a public study or artifact without login

no log required / wget or curl friendly

To display the study or artifact information within Qiita you can (do not forget to replace study-id or artifact-id):

Now, if you would like to download any give artifact you can (do not forget to replace artifact-id):

Access non-public artifacts without a login

no log required / wget or curl friendly

This feature is currently only available for non-public artifacts. To create a link you must be the owner of the study that contains the artifact. To generate the link visit the artifact you want to download and click on “Generate Download Link”; this will generate a unique link for that artifact. Note that for an artifact that belongs to a study, you first need to got to that study, then click on the data type (16S, Metagenomic, etc) you want to download, click on the specific preparation and then click on the triangle (artifact) you want to download. For analyses, go to your analysis of interest and click on the artifact you want to download.

Download metadata, raw or all BIOM files from a study

no log required / wget or curl friendly

We provide direct access to public data via a single end point. This end point can be used to download BIOMs or raw data. Do not forget to replace study-id, prep_id and/or data_type for your study, preparation or data type of interest:

Note that if you are downloading raw data, the owner should have made that data available by selecting “Allow Qiita users to download raw data files” in the main study page. Every artifact contained in the download zip file is paired with a mapping file to facilitate subsequent processing; the pairing is based off the artifact ID and is present in the artifact and metadata filenames.

Finding Samples Based On Their Metadata

For help on doing complex searches for samples go to redbiom. Redbiom helps users find samples based on their metadata, a specific taxon or feature of interest via a simple Qiita GUI or the command line (more powerful).

Moving Your Analysis From Qiita to QIIME2

After downloading your Qiita data, you can continue your analysis in QIIME2. For information on transfering your data, visit the Transferring Qiita Artifacts to QIIME2 QIIME2 community tutorial page.